In his latest film "akibat pergaulan bebas 2" Lia returned to do the bed scene.

Before playing in the movie "akibat pergaulan bebas 2", a girl born in Karawang, 26 April 1985 was brave enough to play in the movie Sister shampoo.

“Yes, here I was there the bed scene. But still fair well. The scene bed but not too vulgar. Because according to the story, the film is not about promiscuity is wrong,” said Lia.

In this film, Lia plays a Tiara. Although not want to mention how many bed scenes, but Lia said the scene was done more than once.

“I’m here to goto the 26 scenes. Yes about 20 percent of the bed scene, as far as I am. But it’s been discussed, not as hot as possible,” said Lia.

Lia honestly claim to fear that the image of the artist’s inherent heat. Besides uncomfortable, Lia also are pursuing a career in singing.