Not to mention the feud with Anang Hermansyah subsided, Syahrini get "attacks" new. Exciting pictures of her circulating in cyberspace. Parties Syahrini suspect, the pictures were accidentally uploaded to drop its image as a singer on the rise.
Still wet, Syahrini body filled foam bath, flashing cameras recorded snout. His hand clapped over his chest, while his eyes glanced wickedly at the picture taker. Meanwhile, other images, Syahrini appears wearing lingerie blue color, with legs still wrapped in socks, flat on the bed. His eyes, once again looked spoiled, implying a million interpretations.
Also clearly illustrated the party scene, when Syahrini laughed heartily at the table piled with bottles of drinks. In one session scene, Syahrini posing with three men, with one of them is Daniel Mananta, who appeared holding hands Syahrini chest. Eight hot Syahrini more complete picture, while a woman looked like Aisyahrani, his brother, was seen kissing a man on a mattress.
Commotion circulation of photographs Syahrini in cyberspace since Saturday (14 / 5) and then, like so recent episode of "play" Syahrini, after a few weeks before he was engaged in war statements by former friends duet, Anang Hermansyah. Various allegations arise. What is the motive for distributing photos of potentially damaging to the image Syahrini it? Who did it? So, why the circulation of the photograph as it is set the time, after the party had cornered the statement Syahrini Sanyoto Hadi, producer Anang?