Shocking news came from the former model of the Spanish edition of Playboy magazine cover, Tiara Ayu Lestari. Since three weeks ago, her marriage to Andy Sharif has ended in the courtroom of the South Jakarta Religious Court.
"Yeah right we are divorced. The decision about three weeks ago. Now I am a single parent," so said the woman was born in Solo, October 10, 1980, to on Wednesday (13/07/2011).
Tiara expressed that the decision to divorce is based on the decision together. "So, we divorced fine, no fights, whether it comes to children as well as treasures Gono-gini. All went well and we are still interconnected, especially with regard to the child's problems. Problem children, two of us who care," he said.
Tiara reluctant to explain in detail the causes of divorce. According to him, nothing to disclose to the public. "Everything has been done in a good way, so there should be prying baseball brought up again," he said.
"We also still have a good relationship. Despite the separation, our house is still close. It's for kids too, let him baseball too surprised with this condition. So, if every time he needs a father, so easy," said Tiara.
Rania Kancana Tadya Dalima Sjarief, the daughter of this month only child who turns 4 years old, described Tiara, still do not understand about the actual conditions. "With this incident, we understand the child will be affected. However, this may be the best way for us and we provide understanding slowly," said Tiara.